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Training that prioritises health from the deepest layers of the human out, in an industry thats becoming more and more superficially driven. A superficial focus that is leading to joint, mobility and injury issues even amongst people that love training. So if you don't know where to start, don't worry, I can help you out.

Training that cultivates healthy joints, doesn't slowly wear them away. Not all exercises are created equally. How we train matters.


Training that cultivates mobility, doesn't drive rigidity and therefore long term fragility. We are not robots, why are we often training like we are a simple linearly driven system.


Training that educates you, teaches you about your body and why you might be experiencing the aches, injuries and daily pains.


Training that respects where you are currently at and allows you to build out a sustainable way of training that can be explored indefinitely.​


Training that enhances interoceptive awareness = awareness of self. This will help with strength training > stress management. I layer Breath Work into all my cleints training, I work on it more with some than I do others. If you're skeptical at first read I wouldn't blame you, you might by pleasantly suprised by the benefits Breath Work can drive and the things it can create an awareness of.


​Can you relate to any of the following bullet points? If so, contact me to book a discovery call in and lets start the process of you better uderstanding your body through training.

  • ​You have reached a plateau in your training. 

  • You are experiencing niggles or reoccurring injuries

  • You are in chronic pain. Joint pain, tissue tightness daily.

  • You struggle to sleep and recover day to day.

  • You're sport performance is creating pain or not 

  • You've been going to the chiropractor(s) who claim they can fix you in 15min for the past 10 years and now your back feels worse than ever.

  • You have experienced the massage therapist that claims they can rub away your problem. But the same area keeps getting "tight"! 

  • Your PT keeps pulling out the theragun at the beginning of a strength session, a strength session within which you want the body sensitive to change not desensitised through vibrating the shiz out of it.

  • You have experienced the physio who gives you the same boring generic "rehab" exercises to do. The nervous system needs to care about the training, it loves progressive novel stimulus, it forgot about those exercises a long time ago. 

  •  Your Coach keeps telling you deadlifts are good for your hips and back but.... your hips and back are now pinchy and tight daily. Deadlifts are not bad, but is your body ready for them?

My clients are picking up heavy weight, moving fast when appropriate and testing their body with progressive conditioning work, but...... There are layers of training that are vital to human health long term that are currently often not being utilised. Training that allows us to create healthier joints, a more mobile body, it's all strength work, just packaged a bit differently from the current norm.


If you are interested in finding out more get in contact or you could follow me on instagram, @move_with_matt.

What can you expect
to experience through
training with me ?

We will do a top to bottom full body assessment to paint a picture of how you are currently moving. It's really simple. Often clients enjoy this session. The start of a process that allows you to get to know your body better. Ceating an awareness of weaknesses and blind spots is a positive and important process in strength training. If you are aware of yours you can train them. Given the chance our nervous system will be lazy, in training we want to conciously intervene where we can to encourage our nervous to put out and create the changes to our joints and tissues that allow us to continue to be robust humans for years to come.


I take the guess work out of your training.  If your training is specific to you, you will see better results short and long term. This approach also addresses the volume problem. Allowing you to be time efficient in the gym. A lot of the training we now see done includes so much "fluff", work that is just making training harder to recover from but not driving any progress.

Mobility training will be one of our focus points. Mobility training is often misunderstood or disregarded. Mobility training is a form of strength training. It allows you to start to experience a greater freedom of movement and experience the benefits of having more access to you body. 

Education is an important part of training. I want you to learn about your body during training. Learn about why your doing the training your doing. This varies in nerdyness, some clients like to get nerdier than others. Empowering people rather than making them feel reliant on me is an important component of my coaching.

We will work together to create a sustainable approach to training. Part of this is me listening to you and us working together as a team. You will receive training updates on a google doc and you can reach out with questions via watts app or on the gym floor if you're in person client.

If your a sports specific client we will factor the demands of your specific sport in. Working to obtain qualities that will enhance performance in your specific sport. Strength training is a recognised science for a reason, you will be rewarded for smart and specific training. 

What changes can you
expect to experience ?
  • Improved freedom of movement

  • Better quality of life

  • Joints that will last you a life time

  • Play the sports you love pain free and for longer

  • Strength improvements specific to you

  • Creating a sustainable approach to daily training

  • Pain free movement (we don't stop here). We want strong pain free movement.

  • Improved movement awareness and confidence

  • Better sleep, many people suffer with poor sleep unfortunately, this can be impacted by breathing or movement pain.

  • The ability to control your breathing to enhance daily human performance.

I can take the
guess work out
of your training.

A couple of elements that form my coaching model:

Functional Range Systems:

Through utilsing a system that prioritises joint health we can continue to build in other strength training exercises into your sessions which will build upon a strong foundation. Often a lack of joint capacity runs people into walls in training. Healthy robust joints open up metaphorical training doors allowing you to have more fun exploring various different exercises with enhanced awareness, therefore confidence, using newly acquired joint capacities to use other exercises to create a robust body holistically.

Breath Work​

Clients will often comment on how their Breath Work training knits other things together and creates an awareness of things they hadn't considered before investing in a breath work practice. Proving to be a vital element to consider when building out a sustainable approach to training our body, through to understanding and moving through day to day stressors. Training is one of those stressors. How we stress our body during training matters. Being aware of our breathing and how to skillfully manipulate it, which becomes intuitive the more you do it, allows us to connect better with self during training efforts. Enabling us to feel how we are responding, to learn a bit more about how we are responding to training each time we train. Creating a great internal learning experience. This is a hard skill to work on, but so rewarding.

Learn about your body through
training. Cultivate an appraoch
to training that is sustainable
therefore creating the opportunity to be consistent. The way we stimulate our body through training matters. I will meet you where you are at and build from there at a pace we both agree on. Coaching is a team effort, I will listen to you then educate through training so you know exactly why we are doing what we are doing and where training is heading both short and long term.

Get in touch:


Where you can find me:

Alton Sports Centre
Chawton Park Road
GU34 1ST

Remote sessions are available
I can travel to you, please get in contact regarding this service for
1 on 1 coaching, classes for clubs and workshops. 



Here is a chance to read feedback from a few of my clients. 


I have known Matt for many years and for the last 18 months he has been giving me one to one training in nasal breathing techniques and advice on fitness to go along with this.      I have been asthmatic as a child and this new technique has been extremely helpful in my job with stresses and strains and due to covid, wearing a mask for at least 8 hours a day. Getting enough sleep has been a problem for me, but being able to use the new breathing to go back to sleep on waking is invaluable.     Matt is extremely good encouraging and positive advice. He has always been available when I have needed extra help. He is passionate about this technique and fitness and is keen to pass on his knowledge and does so effectively. The depth that he has gone to in his studies is quite amazing and he can give very good, clear and practical instructions, even from the beginning.     I am very greatfull for his advice and teaching.



Since starting training sessions with Matt I have seen my overall strength and technique improve dramatically. He is excellent at explaining new exercises and complex lifts by breaking them down into simple steps, so that they are easy to master.      I now feel more confident to attempt these lifts on my own, knowing I have better technique. I enjoyed the joint and mobility work we have done which has helped both my strength and flexibility when running and cycling. My back and hip strength improved significantly and reduced a lot of pain I was feeling on the bike over long distances. Matt has exceptional knowledge and introduces training methods that are individual to your needs. He is very experienced, helpful and fun to train with.



Our son has been working with Matt for sometime now and we can't rate him highly enough. He is great with our teenager and totally gets what he needs, both in terms of exercises for his fitness and hypermobility, and also in motivating Ollie.       Matt's breadth of knowledge and passion for his subject matter of movement within fitness is phenomenal. And on top of that he's a genuinely lovely guy. You can't ask for more really!



How frequently do you advise clients come to you?

Their is no 1 size fits all approach. Some clients will see me weekly some bi-weekly some monthly, some less frequently than that.
I appreciate there are various factors at play, regarding how frequently clients can attend sessions. I will do my best, with you to formulate an approach that you can benefit from. 

I want you to progress in your movement journey, I will not prescribe something with the view to just obtaining another weekly client.
I want us to work together to create those changes. So I couldn't make a gross comment on frequency without meeting you, chatting and watching you move.

What are the goals of people you coach?

Goals from pain free movement, people of all ages. Getting people out of pain through driving changes in movement behavior. You can create incredible changes in day to day movement feels, through intelligent movement prescription. Its how we create long term change within the body, movement.   

Through to people who want to perform better in their sport or training, or a combination of goals. 

Do you coach the technique of movements frequently use in training or in sport?

The work I do is designed to directly improve sports and other training performance. So when your coach cues you to execute a movement your body is more prepared for the shapes you have to get into to execute your sport or training specific movement.

I have previously been a Crossfit coach so have experience coaching different types of movement patterns. I'm always up for educating clients about how they can improve the use of movements they may use in their fav movement practice.     

Is this the same as Personal Training?

Personal training has been under valued through an apparent lack of understanding regarding the complexity of human movement. If we want to be able to enjoy a high quality of life for years to come, be able to enjoy the things we love, how we do our movement practice is important.
I see a lot of random prescription of movements. Maybe the latest thing on the internet given to a client and people picking up niggles and injuries because their body isn't prepared for the movements. 

Learning is a massive part of training. I coach people with a view to empower, not make people feel reliant on me.
Training doesn't have to be complicated, but learning about your body and why your doing what your doing, doesn't only give people a solid why to back up what their doing. It also creates opportunities for knowledge sharing and personal progression, for you and me. 

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